• A: At the majority of high schools, the designated college counselor manages a caseload of hundreds of students. This means that the student’s assigned college counselor (who is often also a guidance counselor with added college counseling responsibilities) rarely has the bandwidth to provide the quality, individualized counseling that we can provide. A partnership with our experienced counselors at Achieve College Counseling ensures that each family receives personalized, one-on-one support in the college search process that they would not receive from their high schools.

  • A: Absolutely! Our counselors are experienced with transfer admissions and would be happy to discuss the transfer process with you.

  • A: We are available to meet either in-person or virtually for clients in the Baltimore/DC area. For those outside of this area, we can do the entire process virtually via Zoom.

  • A: We offer a variety of packages that span the lifecycle of your entire college search. For a flat rate, we provide all services needed from start to finish, including but not limited to building a college list, crafting a personal statement, and applying for financial aid.

  • A: Yes! Contact us at info@achievecollegecounseling.com to discuss a personalized counseling package according to your specific needs.